Debra Akre, MBA, PhD / Co-Founder & CEO
Over the past 40 years Debra has worked in a variety of industries and has owned her own retail businesses and manufacturing business. She holds an MBA in Asia Pacific Management and a Doctorate in Organizational Behavior and Management Psychology. Her experience includes international and domestic business development, human resources, and education. Currently, she separates her time between the US and Africa. She also does consulting in the area of staff development and international business development.
Jeana King / Co-Founder & COO
Over the past 30 years Jeana has worked in a variety of industries throughout the US. She has worked for private and public businesses. Her experience in human resources includes a union facility, a progressive start-up aerospace company, an engineering consulting firm and corporate training and consulting. Currently, she divides her time between the US and Africa. Jeana’s passion for children in need has drawn her to collect and deliver medical supplies to Vietnam and her current project in Kenya.
Jenae Williams / Volunteer, Seattle
Jenae began working with Debra and Jeana at their Bellingham office in September 2013, meeting with the cofounders for mentorship and jumpstarting the nonprofit’s social media accounts. With a curiosity in sustainability and bachelor degrees in business and English, Jenae continues to support Tembo Trading’s work through weekly brainstorm sessions, in addition to writing, proofreading and maintaing the blog from Seattle, where she currently resides.
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